Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 32

On October 7th, tech workers from across the country are coming together for Tech Labor Notes to build solidarity, share strategies, and scheme about how to transform the tech industry. Last June, the Labor Notes conference had a 90-minute slot for tech workers to meetup. As the room overflowed with people, it became immediately apparent that the tech labor community needs more spaces like this to connect.

Now, when you picture the “tech workers” who fill these spaces, who comes to mind? Maybe you’re picturing a puzzle-loving software engineer or a badass product manager. What about the customer support specialists, the operations associates, the gig-workers, or the trust and safety analysts who make tech companies run? The tech labor movement is powered by workers of all kinds, and often, we’re organizing alongside people with drastically different resources, life experiences, and privileges than ourselves. On so many of our campaigns, we have low paid tech workers building power with colleagues who make 2 or 3 times their salary where they can uplift conversations about inclusion, privilege, resource-sharing, and mutual aid. It’s powerful to behold the cross-class solidarity, political transformation, and radical action that springs forth in these moments, and we’re eager to build more of this at Tech Labor Notes in October.

Our members need your help to make it possible. The labor movement is strongest when all are able to access and input into conferences like this one, which is why our members are raising funds to help cover travel and accommodations for those who cannot afford to pay out of pocket. Help us ensure that no one gets left behind due to lack of funds so that we can practice inclusion and reap the benefits of what happens when all voices are present and accounted for:

Solidarity forever,
Kaarthika, RV, & Toy on behalf of Local 1010

Read full Newsletter Issue 32 here.


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 33


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 31