Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 29

As we head into June, we are preparing ourselves to see which tech companies go rainbow-mode with their logos and observe Juneteenth for the second or third time in a display of allyship. All too often these symbolic acts do not result in real, systemic change that centers the needs of our Black, queer, and/or trans colleagues. In a year where anti-trans legislation is at an all-time high and police funding continues to climb, we cannot rest on symbolic actions alone. We need real change to keep our communities safe.
Workers within Local 1010 and across the country know the labor movement can be a vehicle for systems change, and they are leading the way as they craft demands of their Employers. Worker-driven solutions aim to care for the whole person and range from: providing a gender-affirming care fund for those who need it to reducing our over-reliance on the police as first responders to ensuring workers can take mental health days to care for themselves. 

We know a more just future is possible, and we are eager to see more workers take up the mantle of how we can keep each other safe. Amidst an increasingly volatile world, we must focus where our actions can have an impact and improve our conditions. Join us in moving beyond symbolic allyship, and let’s take up the task of building a safer world together, one workplace at a time. 

With pride and solidarity,
Kaarthika, RV, and Toy

Read full Newsletter Issue 29 here.


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 30


Tech 1010 Newsletter - Issue 28